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96. Al-'Alaq

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Creation and Knowledge

1 Read in the name of your Lord who created

2 Created man from a clot

3 Read and your Lord is the most generous

4 Who taught by the pen

5 Taught man what he did not know

Human Arrogance and Disobedience

6 No indeed man truly transgresses

7 Because he sees himself as self sufficient

8 Indeed to your Lord is the return

Prohibition and Warning

9 Have you seen the one who forbids

10 A servant when he prays

11 Have you seen if he is upon guidance

12 Or commands righteousness

13 Have you seen if he denies and turns away

14 Does he not know that God sees

Consequences of Disbelief

15 No indeed. If he does not stop, We will drag him by the forelock

16 A lying, sinful forelock

17 Then let him call his associates

18 We will call the guards of Hell

Devotion and Nearness to God

19 No, do not obey him. Prostrate and draw near.