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85. Al-Buruj

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oath and Condemnation of Persecutors

1 By the sky with its constellations

2 By the promised day

3 By the witness and what is witnessed

4 Destroyed were the makers of the pit

5 The fire full of fuel

6 When they sat by it

7 And they were witnesses to what they did to the believers

8 And they resented them only because they believed in God the Almighty the Praiseworthy

9 To whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and God is witness over everything

10 Indeed those who persecuted the believing men and believing women then did not repent will have the punishment of Hell and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire

Punishment for Oppressors and Reward for Believers

11 Indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great success.

12 Indeed the grip of your Lord is severe.

13 It is He who originates and repeats.

14 And He is the Forgiving, the Loving.

15 Owner of the Throne, the Glorious.

16 Doer of what He intends.

Examples of Past Disbelievers

17 Has the story of the armies reached you

18 Of Pharaoh and Thamud

19 Yet those who disbelieve persist in denial

20 While God encompasses them from behind

The Quran's Divine Protection

21 Indeed it is a glorious Quran

22 In a preserved tablet