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68. Al-Qalam

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Affirmation of Prophet's Character

1 Noon. By the pen and what they write

2 You are not by the favor of your Lord a madman

3 And indeed for you is a reward uninterrupted

4 And indeed you are of a great moral character

5 So you will see and they will see

6 Which of you is the afflicted

7 Indeed your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way and He is most knowing of the guided

Warning Against Disbelievers

8 So do not obey the deniers

9 They wish that you would compromise so they would compromise

10 And do not obey every worthless habitual swearer

11 Slanderer going about with malicious gossip

12 Hinderer of good transgressor sinful

13 Cruel in addition to all that base born

14 Because he is wealthy and has children

15 When Our verses are recited to him he says legends of the former peoples

16 We will brand him on the snout

Parable of the Garden Owners

17 We have tested them as We tested the owners of the garden when they swore to harvest its fruit in the morning

18 Without making any exception

19 Then a calamity from your Lord came upon it while they were asleep

20 And it became as if reaped

21 Then they called one another at morning

22 Go early to your crop if you are to harvest

23 So they set out while lowering their voices

24 No poor person shall enter it today against you

25 And they went early with determination thinking they had the power

26 But when they saw it they said we have surely gone astray

27 Rather we have been deprived

28 The most moderate of them said did I not tell you why do you not glorify

29 They said glory to our Lord we were indeed wrongdoers

30 Then they approached one another blaming

31 They said woe to us we were indeed transgressors

32 Perhaps our Lord will substitute for us better than it indeed we turn to our Lord

33 Such is the punishment and the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they only knew

Comparison of Believers and Disbelievers

34 Indeed, for the righteous are gardens of pleasure with their Lord.

35 Should We treat those who submit as the criminals?

36 What is wrong with you? How do you judge?

37 Or do you have a book in which you learn?

38 That you will have in it whatever you choose?

39 Or do you have oaths from Us, reaching until the Day of Resurrection, that you will have whatever you judge?

40 Ask them which of them will guarantee that.

41 Or do they have partners? Then let them bring their partners if they are truthful.

Day of Judgment and Its Consequences

42 The day when the shin will be exposed and they will be called to prostrate, but they will not be able

43 Their eyes will be downcast, humiliation will cover them. They were called to prostrate while they were sound

44 So leave Me with whoever denies this message. We will lead them gradually from where they do not know

45 And I will give them time. Indeed, My plan is firm

46 Or do you ask them for a payment, so they are burdened with debt

47 Or do they have knowledge of the unseen, so they write it down

Patience and Prophet Jonah

48 So be patient for the judgment of your Lord and do not be like the companion of the fish when he called out while he was distressed

49 If not for a favor from his Lord overtaking him he would have been cast onto the barren shore while he was blamed

50 But his Lord chose him and made him of the righteous

51 And indeed those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the reminder and they say indeed he is certainly mad

52 But it is not except a reminder to the worlds