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54. Al-Qamar

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Signs of the Day of Judgment

1 The Hour has come near and the moon has split.

2 And if they see a sign, they turn away and say, Passing magic.

3 They denied and followed their desires, but every matter will be settled.

4 There has already come to them news containing a deterrent.

5 Profound wisdom, but warnings do not benefit.

6 So turn away from them. The Day the caller will call to a terrible thing.

7 Their eyes humbled, they will emerge from the graves as if they were scattered locusts.

8 Racing toward the caller, the disbelievers will say, This is a difficult day.

The Story of Noah

9 Before them the people of Noah denied and they rejected Our servant and said, A madman, and he was repelled.

10 Then he called upon his Lord, I am overpowered, so help.

11 So We opened the gates of the sky with pouring water.

12 And We caused the earth to burst with springs, so the waters met for a matter already destined.

13 And We carried him on a construction of planks and nails.

14 Sailing under Our observation as reward for he who was denied.

15 And We left it as a sign, so is there any who will remember?

16 Then how was My punishment and warning?

17 And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?

The Punishment of Ad

18 Ad denied so how were My punishment and warnings

19 Indeed We sent upon them a furious wind on a day of continuous misfortune

20 Uprooting people as if they were trunks of uprooted palm trees

21 So how were My punishment and warnings

22 And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember so is there anyone who will take heed

The Destruction of Thamud

23 Thamud denied the warnings

24 They said, Is it a single human among us that we should follow? Indeed, we would then be in error and madness

25 Has the reminder been sent down upon him from among us? Rather, he is an insolent liar

26 They will know tomorrow who is the insolent liar

27 Indeed, We are sending the she-camel as a trial for them, so watch them and be patient

28 And inform them that the water is to be shared between them, each drink allotted

29 But they called their companion, and he took and hamstrung

30 And how severe were My punishment and warnings

31 Indeed, We sent upon them one blast, and they became like the dry twig fragments of an animal pen

32 And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember

The Fate of Lot's People

33 The people of Lot denied the warnings

34 We sent upon them a storm of stones except the family of Lot We saved them by dawn

35 As a favor from Us Thus We reward those who are grateful

36 And he had warned them of Our grip but they disputed the warnings

37 And they demanded his guests from him so We blinded their eyes Then taste My punishment and warnings

38 And certainly an abiding punishment seized them early in the morning

39 So taste My punishment and warnings

40 And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance so is there any who will remember

Warning to Pharaoh's People

41 And certainly the warning came to the people of Pharaoh

42 They denied all Our signs so We seized them with the seizure of One Mighty and Powerful

The Fate of Disbelievers

43 Are your disbelievers better than those or do you have immunity in the scriptures

44 Or do they say we are a united group that will be victorious

45 The group will be defeated and they will turn their backs

46 But the Hour is their appointed time and the Hour is more disastrous and more bitter

47 Indeed the criminals are in error and madness

48 The Day they are dragged into the Fire on their faces taste the touch of Hell

49 Indeed We have created everything with measure

The Power and Will of God

50 And Our command is but one, like the blink of an eye

51 And We have destroyed the likes of you, so is there any who will remember

52 And everything they have done is in the records

53 And every small and great matter is recorded

54 Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and rivers

55 In a seat of honor near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability