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4. An-Nisa

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Creation of Humanity and Family Relations

1 O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and created from it its mate and spread from both of them many men and women. And fear God through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed God is ever watching over you.

2 And give to the orphans their properties and do not exchange the bad for the good. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin.

3 And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then one or what your right hands possess. That is more suitable that you may not incline to injustice.

4 And give the women their dowries as a gift willingly. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease.

5 And do not give the foolish your property, which God has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness.

6 And test the orphans until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them. And do not consume it excessively and quickly, anticipating that they will grow up. And whoever is rich should refrain, and whoever is poor let him take according to what is reasonable. Then when you release their property to them, bring witnesses upon them. And sufficient is God as Accountant.

Inheritance and Property Rights

7 For men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, and for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, be it little or much, an obligatory share.

8 And when relatives and orphans and the needy are present at the division, then provide for them out of it and speak to them words of kindness.

9 And let those fear who, if they left behind weak offspring, would be concerned for them. So let them fear God and speak appropriate words.

10 Indeed, those who consume the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. And they will be burned in a Blaze.

11 God instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of two females. But if there are only daughters, two or more, for them is two thirds of what he leaves. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for one's parents, to each one of them is a sixth of what he leaves if he has a child. But if he has no child and the parents inherit from him, then for his mother is one third. And if he has brothers, for his mother is a sixth, after any bequest he may have made or debt. Your parents or your children, you do not know which of them are nearest to you in benefit. This is an obligation from God. Indeed, God is Knowing and Wise.

12 And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, for you is one fourth of what they leave, after any bequest they may have made or debt. And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you may have made or debt. And if a man or woman leaves neither ascendants nor descendants but has a brother or a sister, then for each one of them is a sixth. But if they are more than two, they share a third, after any bequest which was made or debt, as long as there is no detriment. This is an ordinance from God, and God is Knowing and Forbearing.

13 These are the limits of God, and whoever obeys God and His Messenger will be admitted by Him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding eternally therein; and that is the great attainment.

14 And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger and transgresses His limits, He will make him enter Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.

Marriage, Divorce, and Sexual Conduct

15 Those of your women who commit lewdness, call four witnesses against them from among you. If they testify, confine the women to houses until death takes them or God ordains a way for them.

16 And the two who commit it among you, punish them both. But if they repent and correct themselves, leave them alone. Surely God is Accepting of repentance, Merciful.

17 The repentance accepted by God is only for those who do evil in ignorance and then repent soon after. It is those to whom God will turn in forgiveness. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

18 But repentance is not for those who continue to do evil deeds up until death comes to one of them, then he says, I now repent, nor for those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment.

19 O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by force. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear lewdness. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them, perhaps you dislike a thing and God makes therein much good.

20 But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a great amount, do not take back from it anything. Would you take it in injustice and manifest sin?

21 And how could you take it while you have gone in unto each other and they have taken from you a solemn covenant?

22 And do not marry those women whom your fathers married, except what has already occurred. Indeed, it was an immorality and hateful and an evil way.

23 Prohibited to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father's sisters, your mother's sisters, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your milk mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing, your wives' mothers, your stepdaughters under your guardianship born of your wives you have gone in unto but if you have not gone in unto them, there is no sin upon you, and the wives of your sons who are from your loins, and that you take two sisters simultaneously, except for what has already occurred. Indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful.

24 And married women except those your right hands possess. This is the decree of God upon you. And lawful to you are all others beyond these, provided that you seek them in marriage with gifts from your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, God is All-Knowing and Wise.

25 And whoever among you cannot afford to marry free, believing women, then from those whom your right hands possess of believing slave girls. And God is most knowing about your faith. You are of one another. So marry them with the permission of their people and give them their due compensation according to what is acceptable. They should be chaste, neither of those who commit unlawful intercourse randomly nor those who take secret lovers. But once they are sheltered in marriage, if they should commit adultery, then for them is half the punishment for free women. This is for him among you who fears sin, but to be patient is better for you. And God is Forgiving and Merciful.

Prohibited Marriages and Women's Rights

26 God wants to make clear to you and guide you to the practices of those before you and to accept your repentance. And God is Knowing and Wise.

27 God wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow desires want you to deviate greatly.

28 God wants to lighten for you. And mankind was created weak.

29 O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only in lawful business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves. Indeed, God is to you ever Merciful.

30 And whoever does that in aggression and injustice, We will drive him into a Fire. And that, for God, is easy.

31 If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance.

32 And do not wish for that by which God has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask God of His bounty. Indeed God is ever, of all things, Knowing.

33 And for all, We have made heirs to what is left by parents and relatives. And to those whom your oaths have bound, give them their share. Indeed God is ever, over all things, a Witness.

34 Men are in charge of women by what God has given one over the other and what they spend from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in absence what God would have them guard. But those from whom you fear disobedience, advise them, forsake them in bed, and strike them. But if they obey you, seek no means against them. Indeed, God is ever Exalted and Grand.

35 And if you fear dissension between the two, send an arbitrator from his people and an arbitrator from her people. If they both desire reconciliation, God will cause it between them. Indeed, God is ever Knowing and Acquainted.

Social and Financial Responsibilities

36 Worship God and do not associate anything with Him, and be good to parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, the neighbor who is near, the neighbor who is farther away, the companion by your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, God does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.

37 Those who are stingy and enjoin upon people stinginess and conceal what God has given them of His bounty - and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.

38 And those who spend their wealth to be seen by the people and do not believe in God nor in the Last Day. And whoever has Satan as a companion - then evil is he as a companion.

39 And what harm would come upon them if they believed in God and the Last Day and spent out of what God has provided for them? And God is ever Knowing of them.

40 Indeed, God does not do injustice, even as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.

41 So how will it be when We bring from every nation a witness and we bring you, as a witness against these people?

42 That Day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish that the earth was leveled with them. And they will not conceal from God a single fact.

Purification and Prayer

43 O you who believe, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying or in a state of impurity, except passing through, until you have washed. And if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and find no water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and your hands. Indeed, God is ever Pardoning and Forgiving.

Warning Against Disbelief and Hypocrisy

44 Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, purchasing error and wishing you would lose the way?

45 And Allah is most knowing of your enemies. And sufficient is Allah as an ally, and sufficient is Allah as a helper.

46 Among the Jews are those who distort words from their places and say, We hear and disobey and Hear but be not heard and Watch us, twisting their tongues and defaming the religion. And if they had said, We hear and obey and Hear and Look at us, it would have been better for them and more suitable. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few.

47 O you who were given the Scripture, believe in what We have sent down confirming that which is with you, before We obliterate faces and turn them toward their backs or curse them as We cursed the sabbath breakers. And ever is the decree of Allah accomplished.

48 Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.

49 Have you not seen those who claim themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills, and injustice is not done to them, even as much as a thread inside a date seed.

50 Look how they invent about Allah untruth, and sufficient is that as a clear sin.

51 Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, who believe in idols and false deities and say about the disbelievers, These are better guided than the believers as to the way?

52 Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed; and he whom Allah curses - never will you find for him a helper.

53 Or have they a share of dominion? Then they would not give the people even as much as the speck on a date seed.

54 Or do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty? But We had already given the family of Abraham the Scripture and wisdom and conferred upon them a great kingdom.

55 And some among them believed in it, and some among them were averse to it. And sufficient is Hell as a blaze.

56 Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.

57 But those who believe and do righteous deeds - We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide forever. For them therein are purified spouses, and We will admit them to deepening shade.

Justice and Trust in Leadership

58 God commands you to return trusts to their owners and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is what God advises you. Indeed, God is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

59 O you who believe, obey God and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. If you disagree over anything, refer it to God and the Messenger, if you believe in God and the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.

60 Have you not seen those who claim to believe in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They wish to seek judgment from false deities, while they were commanded to reject them. And Satan wishes to lead them far astray.

61 And when it is said to them, Come to what God has revealed and to the Messenger, you see the hypocrites turning away from you in aversion.

62 So how will it be when disaster strikes them because of what their hands have put forth and then they come to you swearing by God, We intended nothing but good conduct and reconciliation.

63 Those are the ones of whom God knows what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but advise them and speak to them with effective words.

64 We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of God. And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you and asked forgiveness of God and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found God Accepting of repentance and Merciful.

65 But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they make you judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in full submission.

66 And if We had decreed upon them, Kill yourselves or leave your homes, they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position.

67 And then We would have given them from Us a great reward.

68 And We would have guided them to a straight path.

69 And whoever obeys God and the Messenger those will be with the ones upon whom God has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions.

70 That is the bounty from God, and sufficient is God as Knower.

Believers' Duties and Warfare

71 O you who believe, take your precautions and advance in groups or advance all together.

72 And indeed, there is among you he who lingers behind. Then if disaster strikes you, he says, God has favored me in that I was not present with them.

73 But if bounty comes to you from God, he would surely say, as if there had never been between you and him any affection, Oh, I wish I had been with them so I could have attained a great attainment.

74 So let those fight in the cause of God who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of God and is killed or achieves victory, We will grant him a great reward.

75 And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the cause of God and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?

76 Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of false gods. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak.

77 Have you not seen those who were told, Restrain your hands and establish prayer and give charity? But then when fighting was ordained for them, at once a party of them feared men as they fear God or with greater fear. They said, Our Lord, why have You decreed upon us fighting? If only You had postponed it for us for a short time. Say, The enjoyment of this world is little, and the Hereafter is better for he who fears God. And injustice will not be done to you, even as much as a thread.

78 Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you should be within lofty towers. And if good comes to them, they say, This is from God; but if evil befalls them, they say, This is from you. Say, All is from God. So what is wrong with those people that they can hardly understand any statement?

79 What comes to you of good is from God, but what comes to you of evil is from yourself. And We have sent you to the people as a messenger, and sufficient is God as Witness.

80 He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God; but those who turn away, We have not sent you over them as a guardian.

81 And they say, Obedience. But when they leave you, a group of them spend the night planning other than what you say. But God records what they plan by night. So leave them alone and rely upon God. And sufficient is God as Disposer of affairs.

82 Then do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from other than God, they would have found within it much contradiction.

83 And when there comes to them information about public security or fear, they spread it around. But if they had referred it back to the Messenger or to those of authority among them, then the ones who can draw correct conclusions from it would have known about it. And if not for the favor of God upon you and His mercy, you would have followed Satan, except for a few.

84 So fight in the cause of God; you are not held responsible except for yourself. And encourage the believers that perhaps God will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. And God is greater in might and stronger in punishment.

85 Whoever intercedes for a good cause will have a reward therefrom; and whoever intercedes for an evil cause will have a burden therefrom. And ever is God, over all things, a Keeper.

86 And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with one better than it or return it. Indeed, God is ever, over all things, an Accountant.

87 God, there is no deity except Him. He will surely assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful than God in statement.

88 What is wrong with you that you have become two parties concerning the hypocrites, while God has reverted them to disbelief for what they earned. Do you wish to guide those whom God has sent astray? And he whom God sends astray, never will you find for him a way.

89 They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of God. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.

90 Except for those who take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you, their hearts strained at fighting you or fighting their own people. And if God had willed, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. So if they remove themselves from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, then God has not made for you a cause against them.

91 You will find others who wish to obtain security from you and obtain security from their people. Every time they are returned to disbelief, they fall back into it. So if they do not withdraw from you or offer you peace or restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you overtake them. And those, We have made for you against them a clear authorization.

Rules of Combat and Treatment of Believers

92 It is not for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake. And whoever kills a believer by mistake must free a believing slave and pay blood money to the family of the deceased unless they give it up as charity. But if the deceased was from a people at war with you and he was a believer, then only a believing slave is to be freed. And if he was from a people with whom you have a treaty, then blood money is to be paid to his family and a believing slave is to be freed. And whoever does not find one or cannot afford it must fast for two months consecutively, seeking acceptance from God. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

93 But whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is Hell, wherein he will remain eternally. God has become angry with him, has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment.

94 O you who believe, when you go forth in the cause of God, investigate carefully, and say not to anyone who offers you peace: You are not a believer, seeking the goods of worldly life. There are many more profits and booties with God. Even as he is now, so were you yourselves before, but God has been gracious to you. Therefore, be cautious in discrimination. God is aware of what you do.

95 Not equal are those believers remaining at home, other than the disabled, and the fighters in the cause of God with their wealth and their lives. God has preferred the fighters with their wealth and their lives over those who remain behind, by degrees. And to all, God has promised the best reward. And God has preferred the fighters over those who remain behind with a great reward.

96 Degrees of higher status from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

97 Indeed, those whom the angels take in death while wronging themselves, they ask them: In what condition were you? They reply: We were oppressed in the land. The angels say: Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to emigrate therein? For those, their refuge is Hell, and it is an evil destination.

98 Except for the oppressed among men, women and children who cannot devise a plan nor are they directed to a way.

99 For those it is expected that God will pardon them, and God is Ever-Pardoning, Most Forgiving.

100 And whoever emigrates for the cause of God will find on earth many dwelling places and plenty to live by. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to God and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon God. And God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Prayer During Travel and Conflict

101 When you travel through the land, there is no blame upon you for shortening the prayer if you fear that those who disbelieve may attack you. Indeed, the disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy.

102 When you are among them and lead them in prayer, let a group of them stand with you and let them carry their arms. After they prostrate, let them go to your rear and let another group come forward which has not yet prayed and let them pray with you, taking precaution and carrying their arms. Those who disbelieve wish that you would neglect your weapons and your baggage so they could attack you in a single assault. But there is no blame upon you, if you are troubled by rain or are ill, for putting down your arms, but take precaution. Indeed, God has prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.

103 And when you have completed the prayer, remember God standing, sitting, or on your sides. But when you become secure, establish regular prayer. Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers at specific times.

104 And do not weaken in pursuit of the enemy. If you are suffering, they are also suffering as you are suffering, but you expect from God what they do not expect. And God is ever Knowing and Wise.

Justice and Honesty in Judgments

105 We have sent down to you the Book with the truth so that you may judge between people by what God has shown you. Do not be an advocate for the deceitful.

106 And seek forgiveness from God. Indeed, God is ever Forgiving and Merciful.

107 And do not argue on behalf of those who deceive themselves. Indeed, God does not like anyone who is a betrayer and sinner.

108 They hide from people but do not hide from God, and He is with them when they plot by night with words He does not approve. And God ever encompasses what they do.

109 Here you are, arguing on their behalf in this worldly life, but who will argue with God for them on the Day of Resurrection, or who will be their defender?

110 And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness from God will find God Forgiving and Merciful.

111 And whoever commits a sin only earns it against himself. And God is ever Knowing and Wise.

112 But whoever commits an error or a sin and then blames it on an innocent person has taken upon himself a slander and clear sin.

113 And if it was not for the favor of God upon you and His mercy, a group of them would have determined to mislead you. But they do not mislead except themselves, and they will not harm you at all. And God has revealed to you the Book and wisdom and taught you that which you did not know. And ever great is the favor of God upon you.

114 No good is there in much of their private conversation, except for those who enjoin charity or kindness or reconciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking the pleasure of God, We will give him a great reward.

115 And whoever opposes the Messenger after guidance has become clear to him and follows other than the way of the believers, We will give him what he has taken and drive him into Hell, and evil it is as a destination.

116 Indeed, God does not forgive associating partners with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates partners with God has certainly gone far astray.

117 They call upon instead of Him none but female deities, and they call upon none but a rebellious devil.

118 God has cursed him. And he said, I will surely take from among Your servants a specific portion.

119 And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of God. And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of God has certainly sustained a clear loss.

120 Satan promises them and arouses desire in them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion.

121 The refuge of those will be Hell, and they will not find from it an escape.

122 But those who believe and do righteous deeds, We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. It is the promise of God, truth, and who is more truthful than God in statement.

123 Paradise is not by your wishful thinking nor by that of the People of the Scripture. Whoever does a wrong will be recompensed for it, and he will not find besides God a protector or a helper.

124 And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer, those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, even as much as the speck on a date seed.

125 And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to God while being a doer of good and follows the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth? And God took Abraham as an intimate friend.

126 And to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And ever is God, of all things, encompassing.

Women's Rights and Family Harmony

127 They ask you about women. Say: God instructs you about them, and what is recited to you in the Book about orphan girls to whom you do not give what is prescribed for them and you desire to marry them, and about the weak among children, and to maintain justice for orphans. Whatever good you do, God is fully aware of it.

128 If a woman fears cruelty or desertion from her husband, there is no blame on them if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves. Settlement is best. Souls are prone to greed. But if you do good and are mindful of God, surely God is aware of what you do.

129 You will never be able to treat wives equally, even if you desire to do so. So do not incline completely to one, leaving the other suspended. If you set things right and are mindful of God, surely God is Forgiving and Merciful.

130 But if they separate, God will enrich each of them from His abundance. God is All-Encompassing, All-Wise.

God's Sovereignty and Human Accountability

131 To God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. We have instructed those who were given the Scripture before you, and you, to fear God. But if you disbelieve, then to God belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth. God is self sufficient, praiseworthy.

132 To God belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth. God is sufficient as a guardian.

133 If He wills, He can remove you, O people, and bring others. God is fully able to do that.

134 Whoever desires the reward of this world, then with God is the reward of this world and the Hereafter. God is All Hearing, All Seeing.

Upholding Justice and Avoiding Hypocrisy

135 O you who believe, be steadfast in justice as witnesses for God, even if it is against yourselves or parents or relatives. Whether rich or poor, God is more worthy of both. So do not follow desires to be just. If you distort or turn away, indeed God is aware of what you do.

136 O you who believe, believe in God and His Messenger and the Book which He sent down upon His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone far astray.

137 Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then increase in disbelief, God will not forgive them nor guide them to a way.

138 Give news to the hypocrites that they will have a painful punishment.

139 Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek honor with them? But indeed, honor belongs to God entirely.

140 And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of God being denied and ridiculed, do not sit with them until they engage in a different conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed, God will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together.

141 Those who wait for you. Then if you gain a victory from God, they say, Were we not with you? But if the disbelievers have success, they say, Did we not gain the advantage over you and protect you from the believers? God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection, and never will God give the disbelievers over the believers a way.

142 Indeed, the hypocrites seek to deceive God, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing off to the people and not remembering God except a little.

143 Wavering between them, belonging neither to these nor to those. And whoever God leaves astray, you will never find for him a way.

144 O you who believe, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give God clear evidence against yourselves?

145 Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire, and never will you find for them a helper.

146 Except for those who repent, correct themselves, hold fast to God, and are sincere in their religion for God, for those will be with the believers. And God is going to give the believers a great reward.

147 What would God do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And God is ever Appreciative and Knowing.

Respect for God's Messengers

148 God does not like the public mention of evil except by one who has been wronged. And God is ever Hearing and Knowing.

149 If you disclose a good deed or conceal it or pardon an offense, indeed, God is ever Pardoning and Competent.

150 Indeed, those who disbelieve in God and His messengers and wish to discriminate between God and His messengers and say, We believe in some and disbelieve in others, and wish to adopt a way in between.

151 Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.

152 But those who believe in God and His messengers and do not discriminate between any of them, to those He will give their rewards. And God is ever Forgiving and Merciful.

153 The People of the Scripture ask you to bring down to them a book from the heaven. But they had asked Moses for even more than that and said, Show us God outright, so the thunderbolt struck them for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf for worship after clear evidences had come to them, and We pardoned that. And We gave Moses a clear authority.

154 And We raised over them the mount for their covenant; and We said to them, Enter the gate bowing humbly; and We said to them, Do not transgress on the Sabbath, and We took from them a solemn covenant.

155 And for their breaking of the covenant and their disbelief in the signs of God and their killing of the prophets without right and their saying, Our hearts are wrapped. Rather, God has sealed them because of their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few.

156 And for their disbelief and their saying against Mary a great slander.

157 And for their saying, Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God. And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but it appeared so to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.

158 Rather, God raised him to Himself. And ever is God Exalted in Might and Wise.

159 And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness.

160 For wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made unlawful for them good foods which had been lawful for them, and for their averting from the way of God many.

161 And for their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and their consuming of the people's wealth unjustly. And we have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.

162 But those firm in knowledge among them and the believers believe in what has been revealed to you, and what was revealed before you. And the establishers of prayer and the givers of charity and the believers in God and the Last Day, those We will give a great reward.

Revelation and Guidance to Humanity

163 We have revealed to you as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And We revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. And to David We gave the Psalms.

164 And We have told you about some messengers before, and some messengers We have not told you about. And Allah spoke to Moses directly.

165 Messengers as bearers of good news and warners, so that people will have no argument against Allah after the messengers. And Allah is Mighty, Wise.

166 But Allah bears witness to what He has sent down to you. He has sent it down with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness. And Allah is sufficient as a Witness.

167 Indeed, those who disbelieve and prevent others from the way of Allah have certainly gone far astray.

168 Indeed, those who disbelieve and do wrong, Allah will not forgive them, nor will He guide them to a path.

169 Except the path of Hell, wherein they will abide forever. And that is easy for Allah.

170 O people, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; it is better for you. But if you disbelieve, then indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. And Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.

171 O People of the Scripture, do not exaggerate in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, Three; desist, it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

172 Never would the Messiah disdain to be a servant of Allah, nor would the angels near Him. And whoever disdains His worship and is arrogant, He will gather them to Himself all together.

173 And as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, He will give them in full their rewards and grant them extra from His bounty. But as for those who disdained and were arrogant, He will punish them with a painful punishment, and they will not find for themselves besides Allah any protector or helper.

174 O people, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light.

175 So those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him, He will admit them to mercy from Himself and bounty and guide them to Himself on a straight path.

Inheritance Laws and Family Rights

176 They ask you for a ruling. Say God gives you a ruling concerning one having neither descendants nor ascendants as heirs. If a man dies leaving no child but only a sister she gets half the inheritance. If she dies childless he inherits from her. If there are two sisters they get two thirds of the inheritance. If there are siblings both men and women the male gets twice the share of the female. God makes clear to you so you do not go astray. And God is knowing of all things.