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37. As-Saffat

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oath and Affirmation of Divine Unity

1 By those aligned in rows

2 And those who drive away with force

3 And those who recite the reminder

4 Indeed, your God is One

5 Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the sunrises

Creation and Protection of the Heavens

6 Indeed We have adorned the nearest heaven with the adornment of stars

7 And as protection against every rebellious devil

8 They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and are pelted from every side

9 Repelled and for them is a constant punishment

10 Except one who snatches a hearing and is pursued by a clear burning flame

Mockery of Disbelievers and Their Fate

11 So ask them, are they a stronger creation or those We have created? Indeed, We created them from sticky clay.

12 But you wonder, while they mock.

13 And when they are reminded, they pay no attention.

14 And when they see a sign, they ridicule.

15 And they say, This is nothing but obvious magic.

16 When we are dead and have become dust and bones, will we indeed be resurrected?

17 And our forefathers as well?

18 Say, Yes, and you will be humbled.

19 It will be only one shout, and suddenly they will be watching.

20 They will say, Woe to us! This is the Day of Judgment.

21 This is the Day of Distinction which you used to deny.

22 Gather those who wronged and their companions and what they used to worship.

23 Besides God, and guide them to the path of Hellfire.

24 And stop them, indeed they are to be questioned.

25 What is wrong with you? Why do you not help each other?

26 But today they are in submission.

27 And they will approach one another, questioning each other.

28 They will say, Indeed, you used to come to us from the right.

29 They will say, Rather, you were not believers.

30 And we had no authority over you. But you were transgressing people.

31 So the word of our Lord has come into effect upon us. Indeed, we will taste punishment.

32 And we led you astray. Indeed, we were deviators.

33 So indeed they, that Day, will be sharing in the punishment.

34 Indeed, that is how We deal with the criminals.

35 Indeed they, when it was said to them, There is no deity but God, were arrogant.

36 And were saying, Are we to abandon our gods for a mad poet?

37 Rather, he has come with the truth and confirmed the messengers.

38 Indeed, you will taste the painful punishment.

39 And you will not be rewarded except for what you used to do.

Rewards for the Righteous in Paradise

40 Except for the chosen servants of God

41 Those will have a known provision

42 Fruits and they will be honored

43 In the Gardens of Pleasure

44 On thrones facing each other

45 Circulating among them will be a cup from a flowing spring

46 White delicious to the drinkers

47 No headache in it and they will not be intoxicated from it

48 And with them will be women limiting their glances with large eyes

49 As if they were sheltered eggs

50 And some of them will approach others asking questions

51 A speaker among them will say Indeed I had a companion

52 Who would say Are you indeed of those who believe

53 That when we have died and become dust and bones will we indeed be recompensed

54 He will say Would you like to look

55 Then he will look and see him in the midst of the Hellfire

56 He will say By God you almost ruined me

57 If not for the favor of my Lord I would have been of those brought in

58 Then are we not to die

59 Except for our first death and we will not be punished

60 Indeed this is the great attainment

61 For the like of this let the workers work

The Tree of Zaqqum and Punishment in Hell

62 Is that a better welcome or the tree of Zaqqum?

63 Indeed, We have made it a trial for the wrongdoers.

64 It is a tree that grows from the bottom of Hellfire.

65 Its fruits are like the heads of devils.

66 They will eat from it and fill their bellies with it.

67 Then on top of it, they will have a mixture of boiling water.

68 Then their return will be to the Hellfire.

69 Indeed, they found their fathers astray.

70 So they hastened in their footsteps.

71 And most of the earlier people went astray before them.

72 And We had certainly sent among them warners.

73 So see how was the end of those who were warned.

74 Except for the chosen servants of God.

Stories of Previous Prophets

75 Noah called out to Us, and We are the best responders

76 We saved him and his family from the great distress

77 And We made his descendants the survivors

78 And We left for him among later generations

79 Peace be upon Noah among the worlds

80 Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good

81 Indeed, he was of Our believing servants

82 Then We drowned the others

83 And indeed, among his kind was Abraham

84 When he came to his Lord with a sound heart

85 When he said to his father and his people, What do you worship

86 Is it falsehood gods other than God you desire

87 Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds

88 And he cast a look at the stars

89 And said, Indeed, I am sick

90 So they turned away from him, departing

91 Then he turned to their gods and said, Do you not eat

92 What is wrong with you that you do not speak

93 And he turned upon them a blow with his right hand

94 Then the people came toward him, hastening

95 He said, Do you worship that which you carve

96 While God created you and what you do

97 They said, Build for him a structure and throw him into the blazing fire

98 And they intended for him a plan, but We made them the lowest

99 And he said, Indeed, I will go to my Lord He will guide me

100 My Lord, grant me a righteous child

101 So We gave him good news of a forbearing boy

102 And when he reached with him the age of exertion, he said, O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice you, so see what you think. He said, O my father, do what you are commanded. You will find me, if God wills, of the steadfast

103 And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead

104 We called to him, O Abraham

105 You have fulfilled the vision. Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good

106 Indeed, this was the clear trial

107 And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice

108 And We left for him among later generations

109 Peace upon Abraham

110 Thus do We reward the doers of good

111 Indeed, he was of Our believing servants

112 And We gave him good tidings of Isaac, a prophet from among the righteous

113 And We blessed him and Isaac. But among their descendants is the doer of good and the clearly unjust to himself

114 And We did certainly confer favor upon Moses and Aaron

115 And We saved them and their people from the great distress

116 And We supported them so it was they who overcame

117 And We gave them the clear Scripture

118 And We guided them on the straight path

119 And We left for them among later generations

120 Peace upon Moses and Aaron

121 Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good

122 Indeed, they were of Our believing servants

123 And indeed, Elias was from among the messengers

124 When he said to his people, Will you not fear God

125 Do you call upon Baal and leave the best of creators

126 God, your Lord and the Lord of your first forefathers

127 And they denied him, so indeed, they will be brought to punishment

128 Except the chosen servants of God

129 And We left for him among later generations

130 Peace upon Elias

131 Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good

132 Indeed, he was of Our believing servants

133 And indeed, Lot was among the messengers

134 When We saved him and his family, all

135 Except an old woman among those who remained behind

136 Then We destroyed the others

137 And indeed, you pass by them in the morning

138 And at night. Then will you not use reason

139 And indeed, Jonah was among the messengers

140 When he ran away to the laden ship

141 And he drew lots and was among the losers

142 Then the fish swallowed him, while he was blameworthy

143 And had he not been of those who exalt God

144 He would have remained inside its belly until the Day they are resurrected

145 But We threw him onto the open shore while he was ill

146 And We caused to grow over him a gourd vine

147 And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more

148 And they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a time

Refutation of Polytheistic Beliefs

149 So ask them, does your Lord have daughters while they have sons?

150 Or did We create the angels as females while they were witnesses?

151 Unquestionably, it is out of their falsehood that they say

152 God has begotten, and indeed they are liars

153 Has He chosen daughters over sons?

154 What is wrong with you? How do you judge?

155 Will you not then reflect?

156 Or do you have a clear authority?

157 Then bring your book if you are truthful

158 And they have claimed between Him and the jinn a lineage, but the jinn have already known that they will be brought to account

159 Exalted is God above what they describe

160 Except the chosen servants of God

161 So indeed, you and what you worship

162 You cannot tempt anyone away from Him

163 Except he who is to burn in the Hellfire

164 There is not one of us but has a known position

165 And indeed, we are those who line up in rows

166 And indeed, we are those who glorify

Victory of God's Messengers and Punishment of Disbelievers

167 They used to say

168 If we had a reminder from the former people

169 We would have surely been chosen servants of God

170 But they disbelieved in it so they will come to know

171 Our word has already preceded for Our servants the messengers

172 Indeed they will be the victorious ones

173 And indeed Our soldiers will be the overcomers

174 So turn away from them for a time

175 And see them for they will see

176 Then is it for Our punishment they seek to hasten

177 But when it descends in their territory then evil will be the morning of those who were warned

178 And turn away from them for a time

179 And see for they will see

180 Glory to your Lord the Lord of Might above what they describe

181 And peace upon the messengers

182 And praise to God Lord of the worlds