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87. Al-A'la

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Glorification of Allah and His Creation

1 Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High

2 Who created and proportioned

3 And who destined and then guided

4 And who brings out the pasture

5 Then makes it dark stubble

Divine Guidance and Revelation

6 We will make you recite so you will not forget

7 Except what God wills Indeed He knows what is declared and what is hidden

8 And We will ease you toward ease

9 So remind if the reminder benefits

Reminders and Warnings

10 He who fears will be reminded

11 But the wretched one will avoid it

12 Who will enter the greatest Fire

13 Then he will neither die therein nor live

Success Through Purification and Remembrance

14 Successful indeed is the one who purifies himself

15 And remembers the name of his Lord and prays

Contrast Between Worldly Life and the Hereafter

16 But you prefer the worldly life

17 While the Hereafter is better and more lasting

Confirmation of Previous Scriptures

18 Indeed this is in the earlier scriptures

19 The scriptures of Abraham and Moses