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88. Al-Ghashiyah

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

The Overwhelming Event

1 Has the news of the overwhelming event reached you?

2 Some faces that Day will be downcast

3 Laboring and weary

4 They will enter a scorching Fire

5 They will be given drink from a boiling spring

Punishment of Disbelievers

6 They will have no food except from a bitter thorny plant

7 Which neither nourishes nor satisfies hunger

Reward of Believers

8 Faces on that Day will be joyful

9 With their efforts well pleased

10 In a lofty garden

11 Where they will hear no idle talk

12 In it is a flowing spring

13 In it are raised couches

14 And cups set in place

15 And cushions lined up

16 And carpets spread out

Signs of God's Power

17 Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?

18 And at the sky, how it is raised?

19 And at the mountains, how they are firmly set?

20 And at the earth, how it is spread out?

The Prophet's Role

21 So remind for you are only a reminder

22 You are not a controller over them

23 But whoever turns away and disbelieves

24 God will punish him with the greatest punishment

25 Indeed to Us is their return

26 Then upon Us is their reckoning