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89. Al-Fajr

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oaths and Reminders

1 By the dawn

2 And the ten nights

3 And the even and the odd

4 And the night when it departs

5 Is there in that an oath for one of perception

Lessons from Past Nations

6 Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with Aad

7 Iram of the pillars

8 The like of which was not created in the lands

9 And Thamud who carved out the rocks in the valley

10 And Pharaoh, owner of the stakes

11 Who transgressed in the lands

12 And increased corruption therein

13 So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of punishment

14 Indeed your Lord is ever watchful

Human Nature and Divine Tests

15 As for man, when his Lord tests him and honors him and favors him, he says, My Lord has honored me.

16 But when He tests him and restricts his provision, he says, My Lord has humiliated me.

17 No, but you do not honor the orphan.

18 And you do not encourage feeding the poor.

19 And you consume inheritance, devouring it altogether.

20 And you love wealth with immense love.

Day of Judgment and Its Consequences

21 No When the earth is crushed completely crushed

22 And your Lord comes and the angels rank upon rank

23 And brought that Day is Hell that Day man will remember but how will the remembrance benefit him

24 He will say Oh I wish I had sent ahead for my life

25 So that Day none will punish as His punishment

26 And none will bind as His binding

Address to the Righteous Soul

27 O peaceful soul

28 Return to your Lord well pleased and pleasing

29 And enter among My servants

30 And enter My Paradise