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92. Al-Layl

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Contrasting Paths and Their Consequences

1 By the night when it covers

2 And the day when it shines

3 And He who created the male and female

4 Indeed your efforts are diverse

5 As for he who gives and fears God

6 And believes in the best

7 We will ease him toward ease

8 But as for he who withholds and considers himself free of need

9 And denies the best

10 We will ease him toward hardship

11 And what will his wealth avail him when he falls

Divine Guidance and Warning

12 Indeed, it is upon Us to guide

13 And indeed, to Us belongs the Hereafter and the first life

14 So I have warned you of a Fire that blazes

15 None will enter it except the most wretched

16 Who had denied and turned away

Reward for the Righteous

17 But the righteous will be kept away from it

18 The one who gives his wealth to purify himself

19 And no one has with him any favor to be rewarded

20 Except seeking the face of his Lord, the Most High

21 And he will surely be satisfied