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91. Ash-Shams

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oaths by natural phenomena

1 By the sun and its brightness

2 And the moon when it follows it

3 And the day when it reveals it

4 And the night when it covers it

5 And the sky and He who constructed it

6 And the earth and He who spread it

The human soul and moral choices

7 And by the soul and He who proportioned it

8 And inspired it with its wickedness and its righteousness

9 Truly successful is the one who purifies it

10 And truly failed has the one who corrupts it

The story of Thamud and their punishment

11 Thamud denied through their transgression

12 When the most wretched of them was sent forth

13 And the messenger of God said to them This is the camel of God and her drink

14 But they denied him and hamstrung her so their Lord destroyed them for their sin and leveled them

15 And He does not fear its consequence