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74. Al-Muddaththir

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Call to Prophethood and Warning

1 O you who covers himself

2 Arise and warn

3 And glorify your Lord

4 And purify your clothing

5 And avoid uncleanliness

6 And do not give to gain more

7 And for your Lord be patient

8 And when the trumpet is blown

9 That Day will be a difficult day

10 For the disbelievers not easy

Punishment for the Deniers

11 Leave Me with the one I created alone

12 And I gave him extensive wealth

13 And children present

14 And I made everything easy for him

15 Then he desires that I give more

16 No He has been stubborn to Our verses

17 I will burden him with a difficult ascent

18 Indeed he thought and deliberated

19 So may he be destroyed how he deliberated

20 Then may he be destroyed how he deliberated

21 Then he looked

22 Then he frowned and scowled

23 Then he turned away and was arrogant

24 And said this is nothing but magic from the past

25 This is nothing but the word of a human

26 I will cast him into Saqar

27 And what can make you know what Saqar is

28 It does not spare and does not leave

29 It scorches the skin

30 Over it are nineteen

The Guardians of Hell

31 We have appointed only angels as guardians of the Fire and We have set their number only as a trial for those who disbelieve so that those who were given the Scripture will be certain and those who believe will increase in faith and those who were given the Scripture and the believers will not doubt and so that those in whose hearts is disease and the disbelievers will say What does God intend by this as an example Thus does God leave astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him And this is not but a reminder to humanity

Purpose of the Quran's Message

32 No indeed by the moon

33 And the night when it departs

34 And the morning when it brightens

35 Indeed it is one of the greatest

36 A warning to humanity

37 To whoever among you wills to go forward or stay behind

Accountability in the Afterlife

38 Every soul is held for what it earned

39 Except the companions of the right

40 In gardens, they will ask each other

41 About the criminals

42 What led you into Hell

43 They will say We were not of those who prayed

44 And we did not feed the poor

45 And we used to indulge with those who indulge

46 And we used to deny the Day of Judgment

47 Until the certainty came to us

48 So no intercession of intercessors will benefit them

Rejection of the Message

49 So what is wrong with them that they turn away from the reminder

50 As if they were frightened donkeys

51 Fleeing from a lion

52 Rather every one of them wishes to be given unrolled scriptures

53 No Indeed they do not fear the Hereafter

54 No Indeed it is a reminder

55 So whoever wills will remember it

56 And they will not remember unless God wills He is worthy of fear and worthy of forgiveness