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75. Al-Qiyamah

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

The Day of Judgment

1 I swear by the Day of Resurrection

2 And I swear by the self reproaching soul

3 Does man think We will not assemble his bones

4 Yes We are able to reconstruct his fingertips

5 But man wishes to continue in sin

6 He asks When is the Day of Resurrection

7 So when vision is dazzled

8 And the moon darkens

9 And the sun and moon are joined

10 Man will say on that Day Where is the escape

11 No There is no refuge

12 To your Lord that Day is the place of permanence

13 Man will be informed that Day of what he sent ahead and kept back

14 Rather man will be a witness against himself

15 Even if he presents his excuses

Revelation and Preservation of the Quran

16 Do not move your tongue with it to hasten it

17 Indeed, upon Us is its collection and its recitation

18 So when We recite it, follow its recitation

19 Then upon Us is its clarification

Contrasting States of People on Judgment Day

20 No, but you love the immediate

21 And neglect the Hereafter

22 Some faces that Day will be radiant

23 Looking at their Lord

24 And some faces that Day will be gloomy

25 Certain that a calamity will befall them

The Final Moments of Life

26 No, when it reaches the collarbones

27 And it is said Who is the healer

28 And he thinks that it is the farewell

29 And the leg is wound around the leg

30 To your Lord that Day is the drive

Warning to Disbelievers

31 He neither believed nor prayed

32 But he denied and turned away

33 Then he went to his family swaggering

34 Woe to you and woe

35 Then woe to you and woe

Reflection on Human Creation

36 Does man think he will be left without purpose

37 Was he not a drop of emitted semen

38 Then he was a clinging clot and He created and proportioned

39 And made of him two mates the male and the female

40 Is not that One able to give life to the dead