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77. Al-Mursalat

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oath and Warning of Judgment Day

1 By those sent forth in succession

2 And the winds blowing violently

3 And those scattering far and wide

4 And those separating distinctly

5 And those delivering a message

6 As justification or warning

7 Indeed what you are promised will occur

8 So when the stars are erased

9 And when the sky is split open

10 And when the mountains are blown away

11 And when the messengers time has come

12 For what day was it postponed

13 For the Day of Judgment

14 And what can make you know what is the Day of Judgment

15 Woe that Day to the deniers

Destruction of Past Nations

16 Did We not destroy the former people

17 Then We will follow them with the later ones

18 Thus We deal with the criminals

19 Woe that Day to the deniers

Stages of Human Creation

20 Did We not create you from a worthless fluid

21 Then We placed it in a secure place

22 For a known period

23 And We determined it perfectly and We are the best to determine

Earth as a Dwelling Place

24 Did We not make the earth a dwelling place

25 For the living and the dead

26 And placed therein firm and lofty mountains

27 And given you fresh water to drink

28 Woe on that Day to the deniers

Scenes from the Day of Judgment

29 Go forth to that which you used to deny

30 Go forth to a shadow having three columns

31 No shade nor protection from the flame

32 Indeed it throws sparks as huge as castles

33 As if they were yellow camels

34 Woe that Day to the deniers

35 This is a Day they will not speak

36 Nor will it be permitted for them to offer excuses

37 Woe that Day to the deniers

38 This is the Day of Judgment We will gather you and the earlier ones

39 So if you have a plan then plan against Me

40 Woe that Day to the deniers

Rewards for the Righteous

41 Indeed the righteous will be amid shades and springs

42 And fruits from whatever they desire

43 Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do

44 Indeed We thus reward the doers of good

45 Woe that Day to the deniers

Warning to Disbelievers

46 Eat and enjoy yourselves for a little while indeed you are criminals

47 Woe that Day to the deniers

48 And when it is said to them bow they do not bow

49 Woe that Day to the deniers

50 Then in what statement after it will they believe