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79. An-Nazi'at

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oath and Day of Resurrection

1 By those who pull out violently

2 And by those who remove gently

3 And by those who glide swiftly

4 And by those who race each other in a race

5 And by those who arrange matters

6 On the Day when the quake will quake

7 Followed by the subsequent one

8 Hearts that Day will tremble

9 Their eyes humbled

10 They say Will we indeed be returned to our former state

11 Even when we are decayed bones

12 They say That then would be a losing return

13 It will only be a single cry

14 And suddenly they will be awakened

Story of Moses and Pharaoh

15 Has the story of Moses reached you

16 When his Lord called him in the sacred valley of Tuwa

17 Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed

18 And say, Do you want to purify yourself

19 And I will guide you to your Lord so you may fear Him

20 Then he showed him the greatest sign

21 But he denied and disobeyed

22 Then he turned away, striving

23 And he gathered and called out

24 Saying, I am your lord, the most high

25 So God seized him with punishment in the Hereafter and the present

26 Indeed in that is a lesson for whoever fears

Creation and Resurrection

27 Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? He built it

28 He raised its ceiling and proportioned it

29 And He darkened its night and brought out its brightness

30 And after that He spread the earth

31 He brought forth from it its water and its pasture

32 And the mountains He set firmly

33 As provision for you and your grazing livestock

The Great Calamity

34 When the overwhelming calamity comes

35 The Day when man will remember what he strove for

36 And Hell will be exposed for all to see

37 As for one who transgressed

38 And preferred the life of this world

39 Then indeed Hell will be his refuge

40 But as for one who feared standing before his Lord and restrained himself from desire

41 Then indeed Paradise will be his refuge

Knowledge of the Hour

42 They ask you about the Hour when is its arrival

43 In what are you to mention it

44 To your Lord is its finality

45 You are only a warner for those who fear it

46 The Day they see it it will be as if they had not remained except for an evening or its morning