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81. At-Takwir

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Cosmic Events of the Day of Judgment

1 When the sun is wrapped up

2 And when the stars fall

3 And when the mountains are moved

4 And when the full term she camels are neglected

5 And when the wild beasts are gathered

6 And when the seas are set ablaze

7 And when the souls are paired

8 And when the girl buried alive is asked

9 For what sin she was killed

10 And when the records are unfolded

11 And when the sky is stripped away

12 And when Hell is set ablaze

13 And when Paradise is brought near

14 A soul will know what it has brought

Oath by Celestial Bodies

15 So I swear by the retreating stars

16 That run their courses and hide

17 And the night as it departs

18 And the dawn when it breathes

Attributes of the Noble Messenger

19 Indeed it is the word of a noble messenger

20 Possessing power with the Owner of the Throne secure

21 Obeyed there and trustworthy

22 And your companion is not mad

23 And he has seen him on the clear horizon

24 And he is not a withholder of the unseen

25 And it is not the word of an accursed devil

Nature of the Quran and Its Message

26 So where are you going

27 It is nothing but a reminder for all beings

28 For whoever among you wishes to be upright

29 And you do not will except that God wills, Lord of all beings