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82. Al-Infitar

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Cosmic Events on Judgment Day

1 When the sky splits open

2 And when the stars scatter

3 And when the seas burst forth

4 And when the graves are emptied

5 A soul will know what it has sent ahead and left behind

Human Ingratitude and Divine Creation

6 O human, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous

7 Who created you, then proportioned you, then balanced you

8 In whatever form He willed, He assembled you

Denial of Judgment Day

9 No, you deny the Day of Judgment

10 While over you are guardians

11 Noble scribes

12 They know what you do

Fate of the Righteous and Wicked

13 Indeed the righteous will be in bliss

14 And indeed the wicked will be in the Fire

15 They will burn in it on the Day of Judgment

16 And they will not be absent from it

The Day of Judgment

17 And what can make you know what the Day of Judgment is

18 Then what can make you know what the Day of Judgment is

19 The Day when no soul will have power over any other soul and the command that Day is entirely with God