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52. At-Tur

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Oaths and Affirmations

1 By the mount

2 And a book inscribed

3 On parchment unrolled

4 And the frequented house

5 And the raised roof

6 And the swelling sea

7 Indeed, the punishment of your Lord will occur

8 There is no preventer of it

Description of the Day of Judgment

9 On the day when the sky will shake violently

10 And the mountains will move swiftly

11 Then woe on that day to the deniers

12 Who are in vain discourse amusing themselves

13 The day they will be forcefully pushed into the fire of Hell

14 This is the fire which you used to deny

15 Is this magic or do you not see

16 Enter it and be patient or impatient it is the same for you You are only being repaid for what you used to do

Rewards for the Righteous

17 Indeed the righteous will be in gardens and bliss

18 Enjoying what their Lord has given them and their Lord protected them from the punishment of Hellfire

19 Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do

20 Reclining on arranged couches and We will pair them with beautiful companions

21 And those who believed and their offspring followed them in faith We will join their offspring with them and We will not decrease anything from their deeds Every person is responsible for what he earned

22 And We will provide them with fruit and meat from whatever they desire

23 They will exchange with one another a cup wherein no idle talk and no sin

24 And there will circulate among them young servants for them as if they were protected pearls

25 And some of them will approach others asking questions

26 They will say Indeed we were previously among our people fearful

27 So God conferred favor upon us and protected us from the punishment of the scorching fire

28 Indeed we used to call upon Him before Indeed He is the Beneficent the Merciful

Addressing the Prophet and Refuting Disbelievers

29 So remind, for you are not, by the favor of your Lord, a soothsayer or a madman.

30 Or do they say, A poet for whom we await a misfortune of time.

31 Say, Wait, for I am with you among those waiting.

32 Or do their minds command them to this, or are they a transgressing people?

33 Or do they say, He has made it up? Rather, they do not believe.

34 Then let them produce a statement like it, if they should be truthful.

35 Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators?

36 Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain.

37 Or have they the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the controllers?

38 Or have they a stairway upon which they listen? Then let their listener produce a clear authority.

39 Or has He daughters while you have sons?

40 Or do you ask them for a payment, so they are burdened with debt?

41 Or have they knowledge of the unseen, so they write it down?

42 Or do they intend a plan? But those who disbelieve are the object of a plan.

43 Or have they a god other than God? Exalted is God above whatever they associate with Him.

Divine Power and Guidance

44 And if they were to see pieces of the sky falling, they would say Clouds heaped up

45 So leave them until they meet their Day in which they will be struck unconscious

46 The Day when their scheming will not avail them at all, nor will they be helped

47 And indeed for those who have wronged is a punishment before that, but most of them do not know

48 And be patient for the judgment of your Lord, for indeed you are in Our sight. And exalt with praise of your Lord when you arise

49 And in the night glorify Him and at the setting of the stars