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71. Nuh

KuranGPT.com AI Translator

Noah's Mission and Warning

1 We sent Noah to his people saying Warn your people before a painful punishment comes to them

2 He said O my people I am a clear warner to you

3 Worship God and fear Him and obey me

4 He will forgive you your sins and delay you for a specified term Indeed when God's term comes it cannot be postponed if you only knew

Noah's Persistent Preaching

5 He said My Lord I have called my people night and day

6 But my call only increased their flight

7 And every time I called them that You might forgive them they put their fingers in their ears covered themselves with their garments persisted and were arrogant with pride

8 Then I called them openly

9 Then I announced to them and confided to them secretly

10 And I said Ask forgiveness from your Lord Indeed He is ever Forgiving

11 He will send rain to you in abundance

12 And provide you with wealth and children and make for you gardens and make for you rivers

13 What is wrong with you that you do not attribute to God due grandeur

14 While He has created you in stages

15 Do you not see how God has created seven heavens in layers

16 And made the moon therein a light and made the sun a lamp

17 And God has caused you to grow from the earth a growth

18 Then He will return you into it and extract you another extraction

19 And God has made for you the earth an expanse

20 That you may follow therein wide paths

People's Rejection and Conspiracy

21 Noah said My Lord they have disobeyed me and followed those whose wealth and children only increase them in loss

22 And they have plotted a mighty plot

23 And they said Do not abandon your gods and do not abandon Wadd or Suwa or Yaghuth and Yauq and Nasr

24 And they have misled many and do not increase the wrongdoers except in error

Punishment of the Disbelievers

25 Because of their sins they were drowned and made to enter Fire and they found no helpers besides God

Noah's Final Prayer

26 Noah said Lord do not leave on the earth any inhabitant from the disbelievers

27 Indeed if You leave them they will mislead Your servants and not beget except wicked disbelievers

28 My Lord forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer and the believing men and believing women and do not increase the wrongdoers except in destruction